P Gallegher 2017 3

(pic credit: ©2017 by Paul Gallegher. Used with artist permission)

23 “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”

    (Jesus, John Chapter 4, NIV)

Our blog, AdoreTheLord has pursued a string that attempts to give a ‘working framework banner statement’ to give context to the question, “What is God-Adoration and God-Worship?”

We looked at a raft of quotes from recent and contemporary Christian leaders, scholars, and… yeah, some ‘mod worship leaders’… to help…

We landed our plane on this attempt at a framework-statement:

God-ward Adoration and Worship IS…


…the created and creation,

loving and serving the Creator-God

in a two-way, dynamic, Shalom-filled relationship

with sacrificed lives, grateful hearts and expectant joy

in the Presence, Goodness and Glory of God


There’s been some rather positive responses and feedback to this ‘framework’, BUT…

Here’s the deal… it dawns on me that the Father’s not about things as much as he is about people. Is the stretching for something like a ‘definition’ actually an exercise in reductionism? Does it try to make Adoration and Worship a ‘thing’?

In my professional training, we had to do a lot of vivisection… you know, careful cutting up of frogs and other life-forms… and we all knew that our activity meant the subject matter didn’t survive the process…

We certainly want God-Adoration and God-Worship to be vibrant, living, breathing… we want all that it was meant to be…


I am a voracious journal-reader, blog-reader, You-Tuber, etc. of multiple Church leaders, preachers, teachers, scholars, leaders… all for the purpose of keeping my ear to the wall, hoping to hear ‘a sound’ of what God is doing in America and the world (so I can be a part, catch the wind…)

There is a ‘thread’ going around the Body of Christ right now that goes like this; “The Father is looking for True Worshippers who will engage Him in the Spirit and Truth”.

I’m pretty sure the overall arc isn’t referring to a new ‘worship song’ to be sung, or a new technology to buy and install for use on Sunday.

Now, when these speakers/authors begins to ‘unpack it’s meaning’, it tends to drive along various lines of understanding, usually what tribe that message-deliverer has his/her feet planted (classic/conservative Evangelicism <—> classic/modern Pentecostalism, or somewhere in-between) with a twenty-second century bent.


Nonetheless, the seminal kernel of Truth here may be a huge clue as to ‘what the Father’s doing amongst us today’… it may not be about conceptual frameworks and philosophies and histories (although they can be helpful), BUT…

…it may be all about the forming of a humanity-community of PEOPLE that the Father is looking for, people who have a purpose and destiny and identity…

…because, like Jesus said, the Father is looking for true worshippers…

I’m reading this very carefully… ‘this means something… this is important…’

23 “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”

    (Jesus, John Chapter 4, NIV)



“The Father is looking for ‘true worshippers’ who will engage Him in the Spirit and Truth”.

Want to apply for the position??


written by crisbaj

© 2017 by crisbaj/AdoreTheLord.blog  All rights reserved.

All Scripture references from New International Version unless otherwise indicated.

 If you re-post or use material from this blog, please be honest and give author citation + AdoreTheLord.blog  as the  source… thanks!!

<>God’s doin’ somethin’ BIG…<>