[supplement to sermon ‘Community of Worshipers 1: Identity]


YES, the whole thing about ‘the Sunday Christian’ has become an over-used TROPE.

Sorry, but it kinda works here.

I wish I had time to write about the disco-dance of writings in Christendom right now [2023] regarding the ‘Sunday Christian’, the person who occupies a pew-spot or cumfy seat in a ‘church’ service or activity on Sunday (or Saturday night, as is the meeting pattern of some). However, the distinctly Biblical-Christian behaviour kinda stops there. Recent polling data says that over 50% of people who attend PRotestant churches in America don’t believe that salvation by Jesus Christ is the only path to eternal life with God in heaven.

On one hand, these writers are being highly ‘critical and concerned’ by the downward-spiral of ‘modern church life’ into something any New Testament character [especially Jesus] would not recognize as being ‘authentically Christian’.

However, these same-said writers don’t want to overly offend their ‘buying’ readership, because they are all rooted in that rather ‘modern’ system.


Here is a ‘compare and contrast’ of the inner life of that ‘Sunday Christian’ to a John 4:19-26 ‘God-Worshiper’

   [ attributes ]‘Sunday Christian’GOD-Worshiper
Posture of Heart and AffectionsParticipates and attends religious functions, church services and occasional acts of charityIs complete immersion in the Manifest Presence of GOD [ 60 sec/min, 60 min/hr, 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week, 365 days/yr ], Step-by-step, moment-by-moment, impossibility-after-impossibility, Conversational-dialouge, Student-apprentice, surrendered, son/daughter-to-Father, Unquestionable love and goodness, Relationship
‘Alone with GOD’ timeRare, ‘chore’, crisis-mode, unsure what to doFrequently, daily, hunger, part of the Journey
Anticipation of GOD-PresenceChurch-time, ???, has rare and un-specific sense of GOD-PresenceCannot wait, Pressing in, faithful anticipation HE will be there
Pursuit of GOD, ‘Pressing In’Church-time, special services, may have programmed readings and devotionalsDaily, constant, journey, journal
Prayer lifeFormal, crisis, begging, ???, ‘not sure how it works’Conversational all day, breathing, aggressive and sure:
‘Answers to Prayer’Varies, some attributed to GOD and some own effortsperceives high degree Divine involvement in life, small and large
Thanksgiving to GODFormal, ‘obvious’ events, varyingConstant, ‘small things’, quick to give thanks
Praise to GODChurch-time, muddied/unsureConstant, builds Trust
Scriptures / Bible read/studyFormal, verse-salad, ‘chore’Constant, ‘Word is alive’, hunger
Divine intervention ‘perception’Mixed, credits moral codes and effortHigh, sees co-laboring with GOD as full of Grace and Mercy
Ability to hear GOD communicate/Listening for GODFormal, historical, ???, may have had some ‘vague Presence’ experiencesJourney, anticipation, ‘heightened’ perception, has GOD-encounters regularly
Closeness to GODVaries, struggle, lens thru crisis and circumstances, GOD ‘far off’Journey of knowing GOD as Ever-Present Father, Friend, King, Good, and Faithful [re-writie of personal story], close and active
Overlap of Work-Family-Rec life with GOD-pursuitChurch-sponsored activities / cultural celebrationsLiving out ‘Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven’, partnership with GOD
‘worship’ expressionsChurch activity, song-service, tithe/offering, ‘break-thru’ eventsAll-of-life ‘Corem Deo’, joins Body of Christ, everything ‘unto Him’, Un-ashamed
Presence of faith, hope, love, charity, kindness, fruits of Spirit in life and characterSome, struggles with ‘doing good’, some break-through, [? desperation]Purposeful pursuit into full son-ship/daughter-ship, evidence of Spirit-born character
Struggles with fear, anger, sense of abandonment, use of controlVaries, difficulties and strugglesPurposeful pursuit of GOD, increasing hope, increasing victory
Miraculous/signs/wonders/healing/ freedom experienced and realizedVaries (Church activities),Significant, enhanced recognition


My apologies to all those authors who are trying not to call out ‘the Sunday Christians’.

Actually, I’m not trying to call them out.

I’m trying to INVITE THEM to their TRUE IDENTITY of a WORSHIPER, part of the ‘new creation’ reality of sonship/daughtership (John 1:9-14)

written by crisbaj


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